Meditation Nm 6,22-27

Stand in God’s presence. God is present here and now, looking upon you with love.

Ask for the Grace: I will beg God our Lord that all my intentions and actions may be directed purely to the praise and service of His Divine Majesty

Fixing a place, a picture for meditation: see some space around you or the place where you were.

Ask for the fruit of meditation: for openness and sensitivity to good (God is good)

I invite you to reflect on what the ending 2019 year brought. Reveal yourself and God to look at your life in His light: with His gentleness, sensitivity.

1. Find a place, a space that is conducive to reflection: maybe it is some place in your home, maybe a chapel, or maybe it will be a place for your walk.

2. Retrospectively notice your events, words, thoughts, people met, new circumstances, what your heart lived, what feelings accompanied you in specific events, what intentions, motivations guided you – accept everything that it happened, that it appeared in your reality, even if you didn’t want something or something was difficult. Do not judge, only notice.

3.See the good, what opened you to life, relationships, although you may have felt the hardships of your work and at the beginning what seemed to you that something is impossible. What good was created, what joy did you experience, from whom did you receive love and whom did you show love? What can you do or not do to strengthen it?

4. Also notice what was not good, what took your life away, joy, what you might think is your failure, which turned out to be your inability to love. Maybe these unacceptable events motivated you to look for new solutions, new ways in your life? Accept yourself and reconcile all this with yourself as you can, so that you can go on to the fullness of Life in God and you can become more and more like God.

5. Renew, awaken your desires to see the good you receive from God, to become ever more open and sensitive to what is happening in your life and to other people. Enter the New Year with these desires and curiosity

Meditation: St Ignatius encourages in The Spiritual Exercises No. 2 … Because not so much knowledge, but internal feeling and the taste of things please and saturate the soul, that is, we stay where we feel interior movement … and nervously do not try to go on.


The final conversation: Spend a little time at the end, being with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit….as you would with a good friend: sometimes talking, sometimes listening, sometimes being together in silence. Speak to God about your feelings. Remember that times when ‘nothing is happening’ can also be significant. When you’re ready, end your prayer by saying thank you or using words that are familiar, such as the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)–whichever feels right and comfortable. (The Spiritual Exercises No.54)

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