J 14, 27-31a

Stand in God’s presence. God is present here and now, looking upon you with love.

Ask for the Grace: I will beg God our Lord that all my intentions and actions may be directed purely to the praise and service of His Divine Majesty

Fixing a place, a picture for meditation: Jesus is with his disciples. See the place where they are staying: how it looks, notice how and where Jesus and his disciples are in this room

Ask for the fruit of meditation: for the experience of peace, which is the result of a living relationship with the risen Christ


1.Loss and new.

Jesus prepares his disciples for his departure. He must go away, because he loves his Father and he wants to fulfill his will to the end. However, he promises them his return, which may refer to his coming after the Resurrection. Disciples may feel the loss as their Master leaves. They know what they are losing, who they are losing in such a human experience. Even though Jesus promises them the Holy Spirit and his return (we know this from the earlier verse Jn 14:26), they seem the promised novelty as a something uncertain,  and intangible. It is difficult for them to see any benefit from their Teacher’s departure.

Try to be with disciples as you can: what is happening in them, what causes their anxiety, what gives them hope?

The experience of losses is inscribed in our lives and although it is difficult to accept this experience as something positive, only such an experience can leads us to our development, teaches us confidence and gives us wealth. In the present time, we too can feel anxiety, uncertainty that arouses fear for the future, we constantly experience various losses (existential, related to human relationships, material, or our schemas, or even values crumbling). The loss creates a blank space that waits to be filled. It depends on us what will be built in this place.



Jesus says to his disciples: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Peace is one of the gifts of the Risen Jesus. It does not mean external peace, no conflicts, tensions, wars, or a life without difficulties. Rather, its meaning is associated with happiness, unity, fullness, and a sense of inner, deep security that comes from our being rooted in Christ. Pope Francis, in one of his homilies, compared peace to the sea, which is rough on the outside, but in the depths the water is calm. The peace of Jesus does not exclude human fear and anxiety, but it is a gift of faith, life, joy as a result from my relationship with God. Each of us is invited to share such peace with others, a peace that gives others hope, trust, and the joy of the presence of Jesus and loved ones.

What does Christ’s presence bring to your life? How and where do you seek and find your deep inner peace? What peace do you give to others? How do you take it from others?


3. The Father.

In this Gospel, Jesus places us strongly towards the Father: the Father is greater than I I love the Father. God the Father is greater than our weakness, sins, fears, and errors. He is with us when we experience loss, difficulty, but also joy and happiness. There is no moment in our life where God is not present. Even if you don’t feel his presence, he is and accepts and loves you as you are right now.

What do your awareness of God’s constant presence make in you?


Meditation: St Ignatius encourages in The Spiritual Exercises No. 2 … Because not so much knowledge, but internal feeling and the taste of things please and saturate the soul, that is, we stay where we feel interior movement … and nervously do not try to go on.

The final conversation: Spend a little time at the end, being with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit….as you would with a good friend: sometimes talking, sometimes listening, sometimes being together in silence. Speak to God about your feelings. Remember that times when ‘nothing is happening’ can also be significant. When you’re ready, end your prayer by saying thank you or using words that are familiar, such as the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)–whichever feels right and comfortable. (The Spiritual Exercises No.54)


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