Meditation Lk 8, 19-21
Stand in God’s presence. God is present here and now, looking upon you with love.
Ask for the Grace: I will beg God our Lord that all my intentions and actions may be directed purely to the praise and service of His Divine Majesty
Fixing a place, a picture for meditation: Jesus is surrounded by a crowd of the people. Try to hear what he says to them. At this moment Mary with relatives are coming to Jesus. Bur because of the crowd they cannot get to Jesus. They have to wait outside. And where are you?
Ask for the fruit of meditation: about my desire that God be at the center of my life
1. Jesus gives us a new understanding of the term “family” in the context of the Kingdom of God. No blood ties, but the most important here is spiritual kinship. But Jesus does not reject the family. He shows that if there is God at the center of our lives than our relationships, our work, our daily activities work well.
Think who is your family, closest friends. Why? What things do unite you and what divide you?
2. In the scene under consideration, Jesus does not leave his work (salvation of man). He does not immediately go to meet with the loved ones. Jesus is not dependent on relationships, even from the relation with his Mother. He is a free man. By this freedom, he can meet his Father’s will.
Consider what is the most important thing to you in your life? What is your freedom in making decisions, making choices? Who or what are you serving? How do you recognize and meet the will of God?
3. Mary could not meet with her son, because of the crowd, and saying in today’s language because of Jesus duties. She had to wait for Jesus. We can guess that it was not an easy experience for her. How could Mary feel?
Recall a similar situation from your life, when you had to wait for someone, maybe on the phone or someone’s answer. How did you feel then? What attitude did you take? What goods has come up with your waiting?
4. Now Jesus is waiting for you. Come to him. Look at his face and stay there for a while.
Meditation: St Ignatius encourages in The Spiritual Exercises No. 2 … Because not so much knowledge, but internal feeling and the taste of things please and saturate the soul, that is, we stay where we feel interior movement … and nervously do not try to go on.
The final conversation: Spend a little time at the end, being with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit….as you would with a good friend: sometimes talking, sometimes listening, sometimes being together in silence. Speak to God about your feelings. Remember that times when ‘nothing is happening’ can also be significant. When you’re ready, end your prayer by saying thank you or using words that are familiar,such as the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)–whichever feels right and comfortable. (The Spiritual Exercises No.54)